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Evening Cocktails in Café Madrid

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

El Café Madrid was a popular gathering place for Spain’s artists, intellectuals and bohemian types during the Franco era. Now part of a boutique-hotel, this bar-restaurant has gotten a 21st century reboot and is once again a nightlife hub. Master bartender Ivan Talens and chef Nacho Romero have brought fresh energy and new menus to this venerable establishment while continuing to celebrate the café’s history and traditions. You’ll travel from the yacht to the heart of Valencia.

Valencia Cycling Tour and Science Museum

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

It’s a short walk from the yacht to the center where you’ll pick up your bicycle and helmet. Following your guide, you’ll pedal through stretches of the Turia Gardens, the nine-kilommeter long greenway created from the former bed of the Turia River. Your first stop is the Serrano bridge whose towers guarded an entry into the city when it was completely walled. As you continue to ride, your guide will point out such sights and attractions as the Trinity Convent, Fine Arts Museum, and the Royal Gardens and Bridge.