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Deck Floor
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Deck 8
Outline of deck 8. The bow is non guest space. A signature suite and 4 terrace suites, starboard grand suite and the port stairwell. 2 pairs terrace, 2 pairs grand suites, 2 pairs terrace suites, 2 pairs grand. 2 terrace suites, a Ritz Kids and a grill.
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Outline of deck 8. The bow is non guest space. A signature suite and 4 terrace suites, starboard grand suite and the port stairwell. 2 pairs terrace, 2 pairs grand suites, 2 pairs terrace suites, 2 pairs grand. 2 terrace suites, a Ritz Kids and a grill.
Image Title Content
Outline of deck 8. The bow is non guest space. A signature suite and 4 terrace suites, starboard grand suite and the port stairwell. 2 pairs terrace, 2 pairs grand suites, 2 pairs terrace suites, 2 pairs grand. 2 terrace suites, a Ritz Kids and a grill.
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