Information Regarding Your Air & Hotel Options

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What if I booked my air through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection and want to reschedule?

Since you booked your air through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, if you choose to reschedule your voyage, the original value of the air ticket will be credited to the new booking, and change fees will be waived. This credit can be used to purchase air tickets for the new voyage.

What if I booked my air through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, and want to cancel?

If you choose not to reschedule your voyage, a refund of any air arrangements incurred will be credited back.

What if I booked my air independently, and I am able to reuse my air tickets for another trip?

If you are able to reuse the air tickets that you purchased for another trip, please change your flight. Valid documentation is required in order to reimburse flight change fees for independent air arrangements. Please note additional air costs such as fare differences or upgrades will not be refunded. Once the transaction is complete, you should receive an invoice from the airline reflecting the change fees. Please use the form provided on this page to submit the following documentation:

  1. Original airfare purchase receipt noting date of purchase, airline booking reference or record locator, flight information and amount paid (see example)
  2. Confirmation of flight change
  3. Airline invoice reflecting the change fees and any refund amount (see example)
  4. Once valid documentation is received, within two weeks a representative from our Air & Hotel Team will return a wire transfer form requesting your bank information to which we will process the refund.
  5. Upon receipt of the fully completed wire transfer form, your refund will be processed. 

What if I booked my air independently, but I am not able to reuse my air tickets for another trip?

We understand that many airlines are adapting their cancellation and refund policies to accommodate for the current travel restrictions of COVID-19. We encourage you to visit the airline’s website and carefully read the rules for air cancellations according to your flight date. Most airlines are issuing an “air credit” in place of cash refunds for travel that is beyond April 30, 2020. You can use the air credit for a future trip, with some airlines allowing you a 24 month time frame to rebook. Refunds will not be issued by The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection if you have an air credit to use for future travel. If you elect to cancel your air reservation and not receive an air credit, please follow the airline’s instructions for requesting a refund. Note that due to increased volume, it may take some time for airlines to process your refund request. Once valid documentation is received from the airline, please use the provided form to submit the following:

  1. Original airfare purchase receipt noting date of purchase, airline booking reference or record locator, flight information and amount paid (see example)
  2. Confirmation of flight cancellation
  3. Airline invoice reflecting the amount of air credit, any cancellation fees or refund amount from the airline (see example)

Once valid documentation is received, a representative from our Air & Hotel Team will return a wire transfer form requesting your bank information to which we will process the refund. Upon receipt of the fully completed wire transfer form, your refund will be processed.

What if I booked my air independently using airline miles or credit card points?

We recommend that you contact the airline or credit card company and inquire about their restocking fee, and follow their instructions for returning or restocking your miles or points. Valid documentation is required in order to reimburse the restocking fee for independent air arrangements made using airline miles or credit card points. Once the transaction is complete, you should receive an invoice from the airline or credit card company reflecting the restocking fees. Please use the provided form on this page to submit the following documentation:

  1. Original airfare purchase receipt noting date of purchase, airline booking reference or record locator, flight information and amount paid (see example)
  2. Confirmation of flight cancellation
  3. Airline invoice reflecting the restocking fees and any refund amount (see example)
  4. Once valid documentation is received, within two weeks a representative from our Air & Hotel Team will return a wire transfer form requesting your bank information to which we will process the refund.
  5. Upon receipt of the fully completed wire transfer form, your refund will be processed.

What if I booked my hotel through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, and want to reschedule?

Since you booked your hotel through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, if you choose to reschedule your voyage, the original value of the hotel will be credited to the new booking, and change fees will be waived. This credit can be used to purchase hotel arrangements for the new voyage.

What if I booked my hotel through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, and want to cancel?

If you choose not to reschedule your voyage, a refund of any hotel arrangements incurred will be credited back.

What if I booked my hotel independently and need to cancel?

Valid documentation is required in order to reimburse you for hotel cancellation fees for independent hotel arrangements. Once you cancel the hotel and the transaction is complete, you should receive an invoice from the hotel reflecting the cancellation fees. Please use the provided form to submit the following documentation:

  1. Original hotel reservation receipt noting date of purchase, hotel location, stay information and amount paid
  2. Confirmation of reservation cancellation
  3. Receipt for hotel cancellation fees, showing fee amount (see example)
  4. Once valid documentation is received, within two weeks a representative from our Air & Hotel Team will return a wire transfer form requesting your bank information to which we will process the refund.
  5. Upon receipt of the fully completed wire transfer form, your refund will be processed.

What if I purchased travel insurance through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, and want to reschedule?

Since you purchased travel insurance through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, if you choose to reschedule your voyage, travel insurance policy payments will be credited to the new booking. This credit can be used to purchase a travel insurance policy for the new voyage.

What if I purchased travel insurance through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, and want to cancel?

For guests that choose not to reschedule their voyage, any payment toward your travel insurance will be credited back.

I purchased my own travel insurance; how can I be reimbursed?

Please note we are unable to reimburse travel insurance that was purchased independently. We recommend that you speak to the company from whom the policy was purchased. In doing so, you can see if the travel insurance provider can transfer your policy if you have purchased another trip or allow you to cancel for a full refund.

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