Delay Air page

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Do you have an independent air reservation for this voyage that must be changed or cancelled?


Air refunds for guests booked through The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection will be processed automatically. Guests holding independent air arrangements may be reimbursed for change or cancellation fees assessed.

White Labeling Sub Domain

Please note additional air costs such as fare differences or upgrades will not be refunded. We encourage guests who are able to reuse their air tickets to change their flights.


Have the flights already been changed or cancelled, with valid documentation available to upload?


Once valid documentation is received, a representative from our Air & Hotel Team will return a wire transfer form requesting your bank information to which we will make the refund. Upon receipt of the completed wire transfer form, your refund will be processed. Below, please share any additional information which we may use to facilitate your request.

Delay Label1

Document {docno} Description

Delay Label7

Cost of Ticket

Delay Label8

Amount of Change/Cancel Fee

Delay Status 1


Delay Status 2


Para 3

Valid documentation is required in order to reimburse flight change/cancellation fees for independent air arrangements. Please submit the following documentation:

  1. Original airfare purchase receipt noting date of purchase, airline booking reference or record locator, flight information and amount paid (see example)
  2. Confirmation of flight cancellation and refund request from airline
  3. Airline invoice reflecting the restocking fees and any refund amount (see example)


Document(s) will be accepted in JPG or PDF file formats, at a maximum of 10MB.

Para 4

Via what method was the airfare purchased?

Para 5

Please enter the following information from your air ticket(s):

Para 6

Please press submit and continue below.

Para 7

Who is completing this form?

Para 9

Status of Request: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Radio Button 1


Radio Button 2


Radio Button 3


Radio button 4


Radio button 5

Directly with an Airline

Radio Button 6

Through a Third Party (Expedia, etc.)

Radio Button 7

Using Airline Points/Miles

Radio button 8

Using Credit Card Points

Delay Label6

Airline Record Locator(s)