Sitting between the mighty St. Lawrence and a vast expanse of boreal forest, Sept-Iles is a working port and the gateway to Quebec’s wild Côte-Nord. This remote region is a paradise for outdoor adventurers. Go whale-watching, kayaking or boating on the river, or spend your time hiking, lake swimming and salmon fishing at a backcountry nature reserve. Sept-Iles is also the largest town and cultural hub of the North Shore. You can explore indigenous Innu culture at the Musée Shaputuan or at the Old Fur Trading Post, or head one of the bayside restaurants for some savory seafood dishes like the local favorite, guédille au crabe (fresh crab salad on a grilled bun).

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Sept-Îles, Québec, Canada
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The tail of a whale flipping out of the blue ocean.
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The tail of a whale flipping out of the blue ocean.
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