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Roman Relics of Cartagena

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

Thousands of years of history unfold as you stroll the streets of Cartagena and discover relics of civilizations that thrived here millennia ago. Listen for echoes of laughter and celebration in ancient structures where Roman banquets were held, and imagine the thunderous applause that rang out in the 7,000-seat Roman theater built in the 1st century BC. As you stroll through the ruins of Roman baths, you may feel certain that you detect the aroma of red wine wafting from the clay pots.

Sightseeing by Chiva and Salsa Showcase

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Sightseeing meets Colombian culture on this fun musical tour in Cartagena’s historic center. Enjoy rum cocktails and traditional Afro-Colombian music while riding aboard a chiva, a colorfully painted, open-sided bus more typical of Colombia’s mountain regions but one that has become a national symbol. The route takes you past many of the city’s most important colonial-era buildings and landmarks. In the heart of the historic district, you’ll go inside a local venue for a private showcase featuring four local dancers.

Private Coffee Tasting and Old Town Walk

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

A coffee expert from Colombia’s mountainous growing region is your guide at a special tasting that will educate, enlighten and entertain. It’s a short drive from the yacht to the old walled city, where you’ll stroll the cobblestone streets to a café in the heart of the colorful historic district. In a private room, you’ll be guided through a hands-on experience that includes size selection, milling and roasting. Then it’s on to “cupping,” during which you’ll discover the aromas and flavors of different coffee varieties and debate preparation methods.