

Submitted by nicholas.young on

The jewel of Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Cartagena brings together a rich heritage and dynamic culture with incomparable tropical charm. Narrow cobblestone streets lined with colorful Andalusian-style architecture – adorned with equally vibrant cascades of bougainvillea – are hallmarks of the 16th-century walled center. Colonial churches, museums and an imposing hilltop fortress showcase the storied past. Innovative restaurants, chic hotels and designer boutiques infuse historic Cartagena with new energy.


Submitted by nicholas.young on

The site of a Puritan colony established in 1629, Providencia is a remote gem of striking topography, golden beaches and turquoise blue waters. Pirate Henry Morgan made this his base to raid the Spanish empire, and treasure is rumored to be buried here. Far from the Colombian mainland, the island feels more Caribbean than Colombian and more English than Spanish, as Creole is spoken and road signs have English town names.

Santa Marta

Submitted by nicholas.young on

Nestled at the foot of the world’s highest coastal mountain range, Santa Marta was founded in 1525 and is the oldest inhabited city in Colombia. Likewise, the city’s whitewashed cathedral claims to be the country’s oldest church. The Museo del Oro tells the even earlier history of the region’s indigenous people, who were skilled goldsmiths, as well as the story of Spanish colonization. The story continues with Simón Bolívar, the “Great Liberator,” who led Colombia and other South American countries to independence from Spain.