Dominican Cigar Factory and Tasting
Explore the world of Dominican cigars on a tour of a small cigar factory and museum that includes a historical overview of this cultural tradition as well as time to shop for a few of your favorites.
Explore the world of Dominican cigars on a tour of a small cigar factory and museum that includes a historical overview of this cultural tradition as well as time to shop for a few of your favorites.
Marvel at a stunning complex of caves, then go to a beach resort for a dip or relaxation.
Immerse yourself in 1586 and a great colonial battle before embarking on a stroll of the historical Zona Colonial.
Play a round in the beautiful landscapes of the Guavaberry Golf Course.
Take your love of cuisine to a new level by cooking and tasting traditional Dominican dishes with the guidance of a certified chef.
As a former Spanish colony, the Dominican Republic reflects its Spanish heritage in its cuisine. Add in African and indigenous Taíno influences and the results are exotic, comforting and always mouthwatering. During this unique experience, you'll celebrate Dominican food and be an active participant, cooking and tasting under the guidance of certified chef Nicole Marie Baba. The chef greets you at the pier and accompanies you on a short drive to a local market to learn about fresh local vegetables and fruits used in Dominican cooking.
Enjoy a premier 18-hole experience at the Guavaberry Resort & Country Club nestled on the beautiful southeastern coast of the Dominican Republic. Designed by renowned golfer Gary Player, this 7,156-yard, par 72 course graced with gently descending slopes challenges with its large bunkers, wide fairways, coral reef formations and Caribbean Sea breezes. An imaginatively placed cascading rockfall at the bottom of the quarry surprises those arriving at the 13th hole, Guavaberry's signature hole.
Gain a new perspective as you help contribute to the work of Casa de Luz, a foundation that cares for abandoned children with disabilities, providing a home to live in, food, physical therapies, education and medical assistance. Currently hosting 42 youths aged from 4 to 22 years, the center tends to their mental and spiritual needs by imparting the values, education and skills required to be upstanding members of society.
Enjoy an award-winning, fully immersive 4D cinematic experience that will take you back to 1586 and Sir Francis Drake's military and naval battle to capture the walled city of Santo Domingo. The exciting, multi-sensory dramatization brings to life one of the major campaigns of this legendary Elizabethan privateer, explorer and naval officer as he captures the city on behalf of the British. Then, begin a guided stroll to visit some of the most important sites of the Zona Colonial.
From its gorgeous mountain scenery studded with lush forests and cascading waterfalls to its palm-fringed, white-sand beaches, the Dominican Republic is a treasure trove of natural wonders. And one of its most enchanting spots is located in Los Tres Ojos National Park, just east of the Ozama River in the municipality of Santo Domingo Este. The nature reserve is home to, and takes its name from, a network of subterranean limestone caverns called The Three Eyes.