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Submitted by john.baumstark on

Gallipoli means ‘Beautiful City’ in Greek—and this gorgeous little town on the Salento Peninsula certainly lives up to its name. Surrounded by water and accessible only by sea or via a 16th century bridge, the town’s historic heart sits on a small island that juts out into the Ionian Sea. This is a place that displays its proud seafaring heritage at every turn, and you’ll see fishermen fixing their nets at the harbor and the freshest seafood dishes adorning the menus of the Old Town.

Gallipoli, Italy

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

Gallipoli means ‘Beautiful City’ in Greek—and this gorgeous little town on the Salento Peninsula certainly lives up to its name. Surrounded by water and accessible only by sea or via a 16th century bridge, the town’s historic heart sits on a small island that juts out into the Ionian Sea. This is a place that displays its proud seafaring heritage at every turn, and you’ll see fishermen fixing their nets at the harbor and the freshest seafood dishes adorning the menus of the Old Town.


Submitted by sara.duncan on

The meticulously crafted Shore Excursions of The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection let you explore each destination exactly as you wish, whether visiting iconic sights, immersing yourself in local culture, or discovering untamed natural beauty. Join a small cadre of fellow travelers on Select Group Excursions or explore with your chosen personal companions on Pre-Designed Private Excursions curated by our destination experts. We can also craft a unique itinerary tailored to your preferences with our Custom Private Excursions.