Seagrass Snorkeling Adventure

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

The dense prairies of oceanic posidonia seagrass that decorate the marine landscape around the Balearic Islands form a vital and beautiful ecosystem so important that portions have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. On a snorkeling adventure in the pristine waters cradling Formentera, an oceanographer will share information about this important and fragile sea grass. Learn the amazing ways in which these underwater meadows contribute specifically to your snorkeling experience, including calming the waves so that white sands can settle on the ocean floor and form gorgeous beaches along the shore. The grasses also act as a filtering and oxygenation system, which leaves the sea waters impossibly clear and supports more than 400 species of marine plants and 1,000 species of marine animals. You will also learn how you can be a part of the Save Posidonia Project that protects nearly 19,000 acres of posidonia meadows.

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Shore Excursion

Snorkel in the crystalline waters of Formentera, where you will gain an immense appreciation for the undersea posidonia meadows after an oceanographer shares information about their vital importance to the island’s ecosystem.